If you are here, you likely know what it is to be fascinated by the past. I am hopelessly so and all the more so with mounds of photographs from both sides of my family. I have a good look at my ancestors and I marvel at their lives.
As if that were not enough, my father photographed hundreds of Concordians over the decades of his career. In his pictures I have a good look at the people of an iconic period of American history - the Boom Years / Post WWII. I wonder at the times and the people. What did we fail to carry forward? What did we refuse to leave behind?
All that wonder led to this website which presents and preserves a family story which chanced to be part of a bigger story about Concord and the times. Many of us were lucky to have been in Concord then. Thank you for visiting this website now. Your thoughts are invited by clicking “Comment” below.